make the history, legends
and indigenous wisdom of
northern Ontario and the
upper Great Lakes areas of
Canada available to
I have devoted over forty-five years to learning the true meaning of wilderness from the Ojibwa, Algonkian, and Cree tribal elders. The native methods of successfully living in the boreal forest, along the north shore of Lake Superior, beside the North Channel of Lake Huron and across the coast of James Bay remain a priceless heritage that deserves wider understanding.
“My grandfather made some of the markings at Agawa. They asked him, ‘Do you know what a soul is?’ Old Shingwauk replied, ‘I am a soul.’”
Quote from Spirits on Stone by Thor Conway

life – after my family – are
the lakes and rivers of the
Temagami wilderness and
the now lonely north shore of
Lake Superior.
Writing books takes time. I have been working for ten years on the biography Wisdom from an Ancient Pine of the Lake Superior Ojibwa shaman Fred Pine. At the same time, I have been writing Secrets of the Temagami Wilderness, which contains knowledge gained from interviewing tribal elders, excavating archaeological sites, and searching for archival sources about ancient life on Temagami’s rivers and lakes. So, I decided to use this website to share some of the works in progress as well as books I have in print such as Discovering Rock Art, Spirits on Stone, and Painted Dreams.

Discovering Rock Art
A Personal Journey with Tribal Elders
Learn More Buy Now

Spirits on Stone
Lake Superior Ojibwa History
Learn MoreBuy Now
Join our Facebook pages
“Northerners, Eh”
“Temagami Secrets”
“A Superior Guide—Lake Superior Legends, History and Indigenous Wisdom”
where I put first drafts of the stories I am working on for future books, and the Facebook page “Thor Conway Author”.