Secrets of the Temagami Wilderness
We are planning to publish Temagami Secrets in the summer of 2022.
“As Bear Island elder George Peshabo once reported, ‘There is a lake with a nice sand beach back in the bush where you can’t sleep. Something keeps up a racket all night, so nobody camped there.’ The ‘something’, which he would not name directly, refers to the May-May-Gwayshik or ‘Little Wild Men.’”
Quote from Ch. 6: Some Notable Residents of the Temagami Wilderness
“The true Temagami wilderness story could be told best through the richness of aboriginal oral history… Written source materials provided historical contexts for these individuals, but the cumulative recollections carried by a passing generation of tribal elders restored personal history into names extracted from brittle documents.”
Quote from Ch. 6: Some Notable Residents of the Temagami Wilderness
Aleck Paul; Bill Twain and Thor
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“Temagami Secrets”
where I put first drafts of the stories I am working on for future books, and the Facebook page “Thor Conway Author”.
Secrets of the Temagami Wilderness
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